

Western Timber Industry Is In Crisis

The U.S. West has already lost more than a half-dozen wood processing plants this year. An industry expert attributes this to a failure of the federal government to align the management of public lands with the health of forests and the wood products sector.

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White Oak Act Referred To Ag Committee

The bipartisan White Oak Resilience Act has been referred to the House Committee on Agriculture. The bill would help the USFS "regenerate white oak where appropriate" and empower the Civilian Conservation Corps to "plant white oak and associated hardwoods" to increase white oak and other hardwood species and reestablish native hardwood forests.

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Imports Of Engineered Wood Flooring Are Flat

Through February, U.S. imports of engineered wood flooring edged up by 0.3% in value and 1.1% in volume. Imports from Vietnam and Cambodia grew by 12% and 14% in value, respectively.
Read more: Flooring Chart →

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Imports Of Hardwood Plywood Surge

After declines in 2023, U.S. imports of hardwood plywood are again climbing fast. The value of imports has shot up by nearly 37% year-to-date in February and by 94% in volume. Imports from Vietnam have skyrocketed, growing by nearly 292% in volume. Imports from Indonesia grew by 52% in volume.
Read more: Hardwood Plywood Chart →

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DHA Pushes For Delay Of EU Deforestation Regulation

DHA joined several U.S. forest products associations in pushing for a 24-month delay of the EU Deforestation Regulation, which is set to take effect on December 31. DHA's letter argues that Europe is not ready to implement the regulation and that the EU Observatory on deforestation and forest degradation correctly shows that deforestation in the U.S. is negligible.

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