

Wood Trivia: Test Your Knowledge

What common hardwood tree is beginning to disappear in the UK?

Answer: The oak.

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Illegal Russian Plywood Is Still Entering The EU

The economic sanctions imposed on Russia after it attacked Ukraine should have prevented plywood from both Russia and Belarus from reaching the European market. Analysis indicates that Russian plywood continues to be illegally exported to Europe through Kazakhstan, Turkey, and China.

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U.S. Trade Representative Recommends Extending 301 Tariffs On Wood Products

In a sign of the continued bipartisan consensus about unfair trade with China, the Biden administration will impose $300 billion in tariffs on electric vehicles, microchips, and other goods from China. This action will also extend the Section 301 tariffs on hardwood plywood and engineered wood flooring.

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Hardwood Industry Leaders Push For Repeal Of Corporate Transparency Act

DHA and the Hardwood Federation joined nearly 100 trade associations that represent small businesses in pushing for the repeal of the Corporate Transparency Act. The bill that DHA supports would end the CTA's reporting requirements that target small businesses, associations, and family-owned companies.
Read more: Joint Trades Letter CTA →

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DHA Advocates For Hardwoods In Farm Bill

The U.S. House of Representatives' version of the 2024 farm bill includes a "substantial increase" in funding for USDA's export programs and incentives for active forest management, prioritizing expanding markets for wood products and streamlining environmental review processes. The Senate version prioritizes food assistance and green initiatives.

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