DHA® eNews - China’s Log Imports Reverse Trend

Decorative Hardwoods Association® (formerly HPVA) eNews Volume XI, Issue XII: China’s Log Imports Reverse Trend | EPA Suspends Ecolabeling Sustainability Claims On Wood Products | Indonesia, Malaysia Ban Log Exports To Protect Domestic Industry | The Consequences Of A Trade War In North America | HPVA Laboratories® Certifies Great Lakes Veneer

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EPA Suspends Ecolabeling Sustainability Claims On Wood Products

In December 2016, EPA suspended all recommendations of ecolabels or certifications for lumber and wood, pending review. On Tuesday, EPA announced that the lumber/wood category will be removed entirely from the recommendations of specifications, standards, and ecolabels for federal purchasing - the recommendations intended to help federal buyers identify and procure environmentally sustainable products and services.

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AHEC Releases May 2018 European Report

Download the American Hardwood Export Council's May 2018 European report from the Decorative Hardwoods Association® website for updates on exports of U.S. hardwood lumber, the European economic recovery, and more.

AHEC European market report - May 2018

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DHA® eNews - Decorative Hardwoods Files USTR Comments On Unfair Chinese Trade Restrictions On U.S. Veneer

Decorative Hardwoods Association® (formerly HPVA) eNews Volume XI, Issue XI: Trade War? Canada Proposes Retaliatory Tariff On U.S. Hardwood Plywood | RVIA, Indonesia Seek U.S. Import Duty Rescission | Decorative Hardwoods Files USTR Comments On Unfair Chinese Trade Restrictions On U.S.

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