DHA eNews - U.S. Imports Of Russian Hardwood Plywood Continue To Grow

Decorative Hardwoods Association (formerly HPVA) eNews Volume XV, Issue XII: U.S. Imports Of Russian Hardwood Plywood Continue To Grow | Skyrocketing Diesel Prices Are Shutting Down Logging | Fake Wood Flooring Linked To Forced Labor In China | Hardwood Pays Off & Increases "Joy" | Russian Sawmills Will Curtail Production

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Tree Quiz: Test Your Knowledge

What's the oldest tree on Earth, and will it survive climate change?

Answer:  Bristlecone pines, which can survive for up to 5,000 years, were thought to be the planet’s oldest living things. Now a tree in Chile is posing a challenge.



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Hardwood Pays Off & Increases "Joy"

The 2022 Remodeling Impact Report shows that hardwood projects had the highest payoff. Refinishing hardwood floors and installing new wood flooring provided a return on investment of 147% and 118%, respectively. Homeowners who invest in hardwoods and conversions of basements into living areas are most likely to more than recover costs when selling.



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Fake Wood Flooring Linked To Forced Labor In China

Luxury vinyl tile, which is often designed to look like wood, is created from layers of thin plastic made with fossil fuels. A new report shows that very often, that plastic is produced using forced Uyghur labor.



The Intercept: TOXIC TILES: How Vinyl Flooring Made With Uyghur Forced Labor Ends Up at Big Box Stores

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Skyrocketing Diesel Prices Are Shutting Down Logging

Record-breaking diesel fuel prices are forcing some logging and trucking operations to shut down. Fuel was once 25% of the operational cost of running a truck. Now, that has increased to more than 60%. "When it costs $1,118 to fill up a logging truck, plus the other expenses to operate, there is not a profit at the end of the day." 



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