DHA Insights: September 7, 2023


An important part of DHA's mission is to promote decorative hardwood products. Architects and designers are key decision makers in the purchase of our products. I'm happy to report that architects and designers have responded with overwhelming interest in DHA's continuing education course, Hardwood Plywood, Engineered Wood Floors, and Hardwood Veneer: The Basics. In the first four months alone, more than 1,300 design professionals have already completed our course, demonstrating an incredible interest in decorative hardwoods. The typical non-DHA course is completed by approximately 1,000 professionals in an entire year. DHA will explore ways to expand on this success in the coming months.

Another important role is advocating with our allies for a positive policy environment that allows our businesses to succeed while protecting forests. This is a delicate balance that too often gets out of whack. Fortunately, the Supreme Court has recently corrected the regulatory overreach in the waters of the U.S. (WOTUS). DHA and our allies will remain vigilant. For more, see our Policy section.

If you have questions or comments, contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.

Keith A. Christman, President
Decorative Hardwoods Association